June 27, 2006
The 7" is finally here! The long awaited 7" vinyl Loverman has finally hit the market. This time it's for real and you can believe it because our man at Little Teddy Recordings says so. We will celebrate this event by writing new songs for our next album.
April 27, 2006
Flooding in CZ, silence in SThe much longed for 7" ep has been delayed due to the floodings in CZ. But according to Andy (our man in Münic and the labelmanager of Little Teddy Recordings) the water has dried and the plant is again fully operational. We expect to be able to sell this rare piece of plastic around the 10th of May. If you want to be sure to get a copy you can send a mail to info@themopeds.com
Flooding in HQ, no reply at i
The info@themopeds.com has been out of order for a very long time and we're sorry for all the trouble. Of course there is a good excuse for this but I won't tell it. Instead I'm happy to say that the info@themopeds.com is again fully operational.
31 March 2006
The EP is on it's way The little label Little Teddy Records is releasing a 7" vinyl EP with the Mopeds very soon. The EP will contain four tracks and two of them are new to many of you. They have all been played live before though. We delivered "What's on her mind" at KB in Malmö a couple of weeks ago. It was a very fast version. The other really rare one is called "Punkshit" and has been performed live in Jönköping at a Punk Christmas party I can't remember the name of but it was held in a warehouse close to the lake Vättern. I remember it as being a great success and the crowd was probably the most Goth looking bunch we've played to so far. The two other songs are Loverman and Dina tried her silver bow, you all probably know them well.Little Teddy records have put up another page on internet for us at www.MySpace.com/themopedsband
Japanese Cooperation Continued
The Japanese artist Bonnie Pink, who also is one of the persons
behind the label Pinxter, has asked the Mopeds to back her on a cover version of the famous Japanese hitsong "Cherry". The new version will be ready by the beginning of next month and we hope to be able to let you have a listen to it on this webpage.
10 March 2006
The Mopeds live on Swedish soil!
People have complained about us not playing in Sweden any more. It is time to stop crying and start cheering hysterically. Mopeteers - we have a gig. It's march 23:d at KB in Malmö. Now kids, tatoo this date in your right palm. Or get your Filofax®, Palmpilot® or iCal® up and spraypaint it with this important date. If you cant come there go to Aarhus on the april 7th.
9 March 2006
The compleate Japanese tour diary 
Here it is, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth
about the stuggle and hardship you have to face every day as a
touring band in Japan. Click the little blue camera like icon and read.
The Mopeds back on vinyl!
The only way to hear your favourite band on real analog vinyl so far has been to get hold of the very rare The Hills are alive with the sound of Mopeds 12" LP from 1998 or the ever rarer Vibration 10" EP from 1997. But now, thanks to the German label Little Teddy Records, ve will release a double A-side 7" EP. The songs are Loverman from Fortissimo, Dina tried her silver bow from The land of the three, What's on her mind only released on the Japanese Fortissimo and Punkshit , a never before released song from the Land of the three sessions. So, all you nerds of the world, there are only 500 copies. Get yours at www.vibrashop.com
2 March 2006
Hello diary. I wrote about starnge food and jet lag yesterday but now I thinkn we've reached the peak. We have eaten raw chicken! My food teacher from school would run away crying. But we survived so far. We have had two great shows in Osaka and Nagoya since last entry and Japan is treating us very fine. Have a look at some pictures.
1 March 2006
Jetlagged in Osaka
It's 6 43 in the morning and I haven't slept at all this night. Is it the time difference or something I ate? Last night we went to a place in downtown Osaka where our hosts treated us with some Raw horse meat with garlic and ginger, (ÖVERSÄTT SNÄLLA: SAUTERAD AKILLES-SENA), deep fried octopus bun, and a couple of other dishes that are too hard to translate. It was fantastic. Back at the hotel our record company boss/sound engineer Yebo had just arrived from Tokyo. So we went out again for some more beer, pancake with mayo and dried fish, deep fried shrimps and octopus dumplings. Finally back at the hotel I had some green tea icecream and a shot of Jameson. Now why is it so hard to fall asleep?
26 February 2006
The Moped has landed
Hi there, mopeteers. We have arrived happily in Tokyo and now we start our conquest. Today's schedule included having lunch in Ebisu, visiting the mega cool shop "the three robbers" in a basement in Asakusa and watching Sweden versus Finland in the Olympic hockey final. In this moment of writing the game has just started. Here are some pictures from the jurney. 
25 February 2006
Japan, Here we Come
As you probably know by now we are taking over Japan. The conquering starts at O-Nest on the 27th of february in Shibuya, Tokyo. Petter and I spent many months in Shibuya in the late nineties. It's great to get back to rock that funky place. Then the tour goes on to Osaka and Nagoya and back to Tokyo again. You can find all the details under "GIGS" on this site. Banzai!
23 January 2006
Thank You Germany
We just got back from our German tour. It's good to be home but it was great to be away. Thank you everybody. Here are some pictures: 
The Japanese tour is set
We go to Japan i feb/march! Four gigs are booked and you can check the details under "GIGS". At the moment we're perfecting our karate and sitting-on-your-knees-for-hours-skills.
5 Dec 2005
And the winner is........REFUSED DEMOLAND
The music video site www.musicbrigade.se has appointed the Mopeds' Refused Demoland video "this year's funniest". If you visit the site on Dec 16th you will be able to see it happen. We would like to thank the jury, but mostly everybody who made this dream come true, the people that stood up and believed in us bla bla bla sob sob sob
29 Nov 2005
The Land of the Three revisited
There has been desperate calls from all over the world from people who need to get hold of our second album; The Land of the Three. We are now happy to announce that the CD is back in stock! Either go to your local record shop and have them order it or visit www.vibrashop.com and let them send it to you it straight out of cyberspace. This is not a new pressing but a couple of boxes with the original first edition. The CDs were forgotten somewhere in Germany but are now safe back at Crunchy HQ and ready to rock your stereo.
11 Nov 2005
The Mopeds and JuniorSenior
Our labelmates JuniorSenior will have a show at Stora Vega in Copenhagen december the second and we are supporting them by being the support act. That means you can go there and see two good bands in a row.
Land of the Three for sale again
Our first album for Crunchy Frog, the groundbreaking Land of the Three, has been sold out for a while. Right now we are pushing for more copies to be made and I personally think we are close to a breakthrough. Stay tuned for more information on this hot topic.
10 Oct 2005
The Mopeds' Japanese release
Your favourite band released their Fortissimo album in Japan the 17th of September. We celebrated with a good sake shakedown. Rumour has it we all will be going to Japan to play some shows later this year.
Petter and Jens' new jam
The wonder brothers have joined a new combo, the Gospel
(www.gospeltheband.com). Petter plays the drums of course and Jens is on bass. The new band will release an album the 7th of november. The same night there will be a release party at lilla Vega in Copenhagen.
14 sept 2005
Updates have been slow during the Swedish summer but that's only natural. We've all been buzy catching some sun before it dissappeares again. So, what's new then?
David and Petter have become fathers!
Petter and girlfriend Cia got a boy on monday last week and David and girlfriend Alexandra got another boy the following saturday. Petter's baby is called Harry and last night he used up 8 (eight!) pampers.
The Mopeds will once again be big in Japan!
The Mopeds and Crunchy Frog has signed a licence deal with Japanese label Pinxter for a release this fall. Representatives from the label saw the Mopeds play at Rust (Copenhagen) this june and were blown away by the performance. We are currently training our chopstick skills for the coming tours.
The Mopeds are Video!
Your favourite band has allways been good at making good videos. Now it's time again. Check out the new Refused Demoland video on this site.
14 may 2005
The Mopeds Rust Shakedown
The mopeds show at Rust in Copenhagen
was a true success. New speed records were set on a number of tunes,
including the soon-to-become-world-wide-nr-1-hit-song Refused Demo
Land. Experts agree that seeing one gig with the Mopeds make up
for all the energy loss caused by the closing of Barsebäck
nuclear plant. And it's more fun too.
What about the T-shirts?
We had promised new T-shirts
would be sold at the Rust gig. Unfortunately the whole stash was
stolen by an international criminal syndicate and sold on the black
markets of Dubai, Singapore, Tokyo, Paris, New York and Koppolombolo.
But at the next gig in Århus we'll have a new bunch ready.
5 may 2005
Bonnie Pink meets the Mopeds
Yesterday Petter, Petter and I started on a new project. We're producing
a Japanese artist at Gula. Her name is Bonnie Pink and she's a good
old friend of ours.
Mopedmania at Rust
Don't forget next week's most important event; the Mopeds' gig at
Rust in Copenhagen on thursday. We will show the whole thang, including
saxamophone. New and old songs in a delicate blend, and hopefully
a brand new collection of T-shits for all you followers of fashion.
The Fab Three in Germanee
Gigs coming up in Berlin, Hamburg, München und Köln. Look
out for updates here.
29 april 2005
It's been a long day, up playing
on the radio and then back to the studio recording the Cardigans.
We've decided the dates for shooting our new video and man is it
going to be strange and cool. I think. I mean, I haven't got a clue
but I'm sure it'll be good. Everything we touch turn to GOLD!
Apart from that I'm quite into the playstation game Hitman. Me and
Bengt from the Cardigans have a joint venture there.
21 April
On friday the 29th your favourite band will be playing live in Swedish
national radio between 7 and 8 in the morning. The show is Morronpasset
on P3.
And as if that wasn't enough, the day after Jens will appear on
Radio AF in Lund between 11 and 12 in the morning.
Alot of early mornings... But worst of all: the 18th of may the
whole band will play live on TV4's Godmorron. They start sending
at 6 so it's up early...
11 April
The Mopeds are ready for Vibracrunch
2005. Make sure you don't miss the 26th of august at Bastionen,
5 April
The Mopeds have their reception
at Musikcaféet, Huset, Copenhagen. Free beer and concert!!!!!!!
4 April
Today is the long awaited release of the new Mopeds album FORTISSIMO!
31 Mars and 1 April
Gigs in Århus (Voxhall) and Aalborg (Studenterhuset) with
the Tremoloe Beer Gut. It sure is good to get back out on the dusty
roads of the wild, wild Jylland.
29 Mars
The Mopeds are back in Moped's Castle to polish their live act.
Extra Petter is there too, and he's in splendid shape. All the new
songs of the coming album are being rehersed. Petter L has bought
himself a metronome to really get the tempos right. Extra Petter
has a new amp. Jens is thinking of getting a new guitar.
Petter and Jens are just back from the Swedish alps where they have
spent their easter holiday skiing. But spring has arrived in Malmö!